

LOVING The Supersizers Go... what do you get when you pair a comedian with a food critic, and throw them into the culinary delights of different time periods (aka: wartime Britain; restoration; etc.)? hilarity. great for history buffs (and laypeople), Giles Coren and Sue Perkins are perfect hosts - funny, cheeky, curmudgeonly, and ultimately game for whatever the culinary cookery books of the day throw at them. it makes you feel incredibly lucky to live in modern times as well (powdered eggs? pigeon pie? NATIONAL LOAF?!) find it on Hulu.


sarah said...

Thanks for the tip! You know we have the exact same taste in tv shows.

I recently started devouring It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (yeah, almost a decade late to that party). At first I couldn't get into it b/c they're all such assholes. But then I realized that that's the thing. I'm supposed to realize that they are all the butt of every joke.

Right? At least I hope that's the case...

betsy said...

OMG i totally feel the EXACT SAME WAY about It's Always Sunny! love that show - and yes, it's because THEY'RE the butt of every joke. nail on the head - well done, Sarah!

sarah said...

whew! ;)