

background: i did fashion design in school. i do none of that now. but i am obsessed with it. it's fashion week in paris, so i've been trolling style.com, and i found this gem of a collection, from Ulyana Sergeenko. here are some highlights:

WHAT? i want to wear this exact outfit every day. i'll move to alaska if i have to. the bubble hem. the white. those driving gloves!

this may be a bit "maddonnaesque" but i don't care. that stiff victorian collar with those exaggerated shoulders? AND braces? please. i die. i'm also slightly obsessed with legs. the higher the skirt (or in this case, nothing) the better. true story: i used to wear american apparel "hooters shorts" in all black, with two pairs of black tights, and a striped turtleneck. out of the house. with heels. i looked fantastic. i wish i could still pull that off.

i admit, the headdress is a litte fucked-up-star-wars, but this dress looks like HEAVEN. the way it drapes would make any woman lovely. i might want to chop off the sleeve right before it puffs out? maybe? i don't know. i'm on the fence. i just am imagining how kick ass you would feel walking around in this. i'd wear it as a house coat. amazing.

i know, fur is VILE EVIL AND AWFUL, but THIS! this. this ombre/diamond fur. plus embroidery around the neck. wow. just, wow. lose the tulle crap on her arms and pair it with mid-forearm kidskin gloves? winner.

there are some misses in the collection, but overall, i think it's rather inspired.

and here's a picture of Michael Pitt with black hair. i find him oddly attractive/compelling in a creepy/hot kind of way. at the chanel show.

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