

on a really big fragrance kick lately, and i think it has to do with the fact that spring has sprung. i loved my "winter/holiday" scent, which was Tom Ford Tuscan Leather. i was obsessed with it but no one ever smelled it on me, which was good? i guess? but ultimately disappointing because i just wanted someone to say "wow, you smell good."


since it's spring, i clearly need something lighter. i've found that rose water spray adds a lovely, refreshing scent after the shower. i buy this one from whole foods:

even though i know it's stupid easy to make. i live in a studio apartment. i literally re-potted plants this past weekend in my bathtub. i'm not going to get all crazy with botanicals.

i also found an amazing sunblock the other day - it is lavender scented, so it doesn't smell like chemicals. i'm a big fan of Alba products, so was quite excited to find it.

who knows if it works - i've only worn it for two days. BUT i got a new tattoo last week, so i needed something more natural than, say, Coppertone. and i should know shortly if it doesn't do it's job as my brand new tattoo will look three years old if it doesn't. naturally i got it right before the hottest week of the year. i'll post a photo/video of it someday. that day is not today.

i've also been exploring home fragrance, and just bought one of those ceramic oil burner thingys. it's not pretty, but it works. i've been using lily of the valley essential oil because I AM OBSESSED WITH LILY OF THE VALLEY. i love them. they remind me of when i was a kid. someday, i'll get a lily of the valley specific tattoo. only issue is, after awhile my apartment tends to smell a bit like an 80 year old woman lives there. so... does anyone recommend a good scent to pair with the lily of the valley scent? go!

i saw this poster by Phantom City Creative at Gallery 1988 on Melrose in LA for their Breaking Bad show. it was sold out. i was severely bummed. maybe this will be the tattoo?

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