

i google image-searched "food." this is the third image that came up. the first was a burger with flames behind it. the second was a face made out of food.

Is Michael Pollan a Sexist Pig? on Salon, by Emily Matchar.

in a word, yes.

“[The appreciation of cooking was] a bit of wisdom that some American feminists thoughtlessly trampled in their rush to get women out of the kitchen.”

- Michael Pollan.

where are your (demi) gods now?! i think Matchar presents a very balanced argument against an idealized notion of "the way things used to be / back in my day" regarding food / foodie culture. i always appreciate it when someone stands up and says "hey, wait a second, let's not kid ourselves about the past."

all that being said, i live in the bay area, and buy into the whole foodie thing 90% of the time. the other 10%, i rail against it and eat crap.

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