
seminal albums / 2000's

this was college / post college. where my taste changed the most, i discovered indie rock, and became a total music snob. i still listen to most of this music regularly.

when i heard "no lies, just love" it was a revelation. i devoured the bright eyes catalog, old and new, and have devoured every album since. possibly my all-time favorite band ever. it's true that conor oberst is my favorite songwriter, hands down, bar-none. i know what this makes me, and i don't care.

album of the year, by the good life. heartbreaking. amazing.

funeral, arcade fire. after college, i moved to LA. this came out the first fall i was there, in 2004. it summed up everything i was feeling. it made me long for a different place/time, but not one i had experience. this was transcendent.

wild like children, tilly and the wall. i believe it was 2005 when i discovered the tillies. they brightened up my rather gloomy/emo/morose musical library.

this is very hard to do, so i am stopping.

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