
hiatus, part I

it's summertime in the city, and that means i'm enjoying nights/weekends more. hence, less time for sitting-in-front-of-the-computer-freaking-out-about-what-to-write. what have i been doing on my summer vacation? let's take a look! these exploits took place over memorial day weekend. i had my bestest friend in the world in town, and her boyfriend. they're awesome and rad. we went oyster hunting (okay, shucking and eating,) wine tasting, drank at romolo, and got up to other shenanigans. they make me want to move to NYC.

helen, et moi. Tomales Bay Oyster Co.. courtesy of Alex Breen

all the wine is mine, Tres Sabores Winery. courtesy of Alex Breen

have you met my friend, 15 Romolo? courtesy Alex Breen.

stupid teenagers, Failla Winery. courtesy of Alex Breen.

Alex "naps" with the doctor.

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