

let's stroll down memory lane for a moment - think early nineties. think goth/grunge. what comes to mind? if you're me, it's Chanel's nail polish, Rouge Noir. originally a happy accident backstage at the '94 show, Rouge Noir, later renamed Vamp, became the gold standard for red nail polish. it was the first bottle of nail polish i used until it was out. about two years ago, i went on a quest for Rouge Noir only to be thwarted by the fashion gods - it did not exist in it's original formulation. only Vamp existed. I was distraught. i bought the bottle anyway.

then, just yesterday, i was at Nordstrom with my friend, and, like a beacon in the dark, i saw it. Rouge Noir is officially back. here is the photographic evidence:

in all it's beautiful dried blood glory

as you can see, Vamp is an inferior color

side-by-side so the difference is more notable

i don't know if it's back for good, so run out and get it now. i think it's the perfect way to relive the nineties without looking dated. what was the first nail polish you used until it ran out?

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