

since starting a new job, my favorite lunch activity is to walk down to walgreens, pick up the trashiest/awesomest magazine i can find, and go to panera and eat lunch. today, i found a new magazine, Nail It!. it's obviously responding to the manic manicure trend that has sprung up in western female/girl culture (it's been alive and thriving in Japan forever.) just check out any instagram and you'll probably see a lot of nails. nails on nails on nails. all nails everything. so, onto Nail It!

i think the Nail It! logo is fresh:

starting out well, free samples of nail stickers. i effing love nail stickers:

Nail It! taught me that men care about your manicure, too. thanks a lot, Nail It!. i thought that my nails were the one thing i didn't have to worry about a man noticing. but, let's be honest, "Scott" isn't straight. so, that being said, gay guys are welcome to judge my nails all they want.

mmm now i want some ice cream...

ew, netflix for nails? would you use this? answer yes or no, with reasons, in the comments. i vote no out of hygiene and over-all ick factor, but prove me wrong.

yes, please, want very much. Dose Color Pills nail polish! j'adore the packaging. perfect chill pill is giving yourself an at-home mani.

over all, Nail It! was a fun romp through girly-thing-times. not entirely sold, and at 5.99USD an issue, it's kind of pricey for a lot of ads. anyhow, if you're into this kinda thing, visit Nail It! online, here.

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