
playground love

i find to do my work, i have to have an organized environment. i had been quite happy with the layout of my apartment, which also doubles as my studio, but in the passing months, everything got a bit "misplaced." so, i took the time this past weekend to clean house, and make it more visually pleasing. i am quite pleased with the results.

here are my bookshelves, which i decided to "color-code":

bookshelf detail, cardboard skull i found in Chicago and my grandfather's paintbrushes with custom plexi stand he built:

bookshelf detail, framed postcard from stella magazine, mink shoe clips found at the vintage clothing fair, and a doily my great grandmother made:

room divider, which separates my small studio into two rooms. this is the living room. all of my art supplies, fabric, and art-related books and magazines are stored here:

divider detail, my drawing pencils, crochet teeth, stella magazine, vol. 1, and rilakumma toys:

the solution to my thread storage issue - i bought pegboard and pegs from the hardware store. i like it because it also serves as additional hooks for storage:

Gutermann embroidery thread, the best thread in the world:


willotoons said...

Your studio is so cute! Isn't it so lovely to have a refreshed, organized space? Good for you.

Clearing the space is what it's all about! It'll come through... be patient and kind to yourself in the process.

matirose said...

Lovely studio! Your grandfather was a painter? Neat!
Can't wait to see more of what you create!

ht22 said...

your room is so awesome!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE

betsy said...

you all are too kind! i love having a clean and organized space - it helps the thought process so much more!